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Binge Watchers Have a 98% Greater Risk of Sleep Problems 追劇族的睡眠出現問題的風險高出98%◎陳正健

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The secret to happiness is getting EXACTLY seven hours and six minutes of sleep a night 幸福的秘訣是一晚恰好7小時又6分鐘的睡眠 ◎劉宜庭


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Dustbin man builds free library of thrown away books-清潔工打造免費棄書圖書館◎魏國金


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The oldest planet of the solar system is Jupiter 木星是太陽系中最老的行星  ◎ 劉宜庭


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’Phubbing’ could be ruining your relationship-「低頭族」行為可能破壞您的關係  ◎陳正健


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Russia thinks alien life may exist on the international space station 俄羅斯認為國際太空站可能有外星生物 ◎ 劉宜庭


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It turns out that plants also have a brain-植物竟然也有腦  ◎劉宜庭


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Overweight dog sheds 37kg-超胖狗狗甩肉37公斤 ◎魏國金


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