Dustbin man builds free library of thrown away books-清潔工打造免費棄書圖書館◎魏國金




A dustbin man in Bogota in Colombia, who never studied further than primary school, has gathered a library of more than 20,000 thrown away books. The collection began 20 years ago, when Jose Alberto Gutierrez fished out a discarded copy of Tolstoy’s novel Anna Karenina.



He now offers his books to other people as a free community library. "I realised that people were throwing books away in rubbish bins. I started to rescue them," he said. Gutierrez, who has gained the nickname The Lord of the Books, began collecting books that had been dumped in the waste bins in wealthier parts of the city. He would take them out of the rubbish and retrieve them for families in poorer areas.

他現在以免費社區圖書館的形式,將他的藏書提供給其他人。 「我意識到人們將書丟到垃圾桶,於是我開始挽救它們」,他說。被稱為「書籍之王」的古鐵雷斯,開始收集被棄置在該市富裕社區垃圾箱裡的書本。他將它們從垃圾中取出,並進行修復,以提供給貧窮地區的家庭。


His collection of chucked away books is now used by families wanting to help their children with their homework, in a free library called the Strength of Words. He is also taking books to remote areas without any access to libraries. He has been providing books for fighters being demobilised in Colombia's peace process. A fighter from the Farc rebel group contacted him about getting books to help them prepare for jobs when they re-enter civilian life.





(have)a library of:(有)...藏書。

例句:She has a large library of reference books.(她有大量參考書。)


fish out:掏出、拖出、撈出。

例句:I fished out a coin from my pocket.(我從口袋裡掏出一枚硬幣。)



例句:He was demobilised in 2015.(他在2015年退伍。)




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