Describe a bicycle/motorbike/car trip you would like to make 你想來的一個旅途by自行車/摩托車/汽車
這道題目在Simon的體系中屬於戶外運動類,完全可以和自行車和野餐Picnic的話題結合起來,在給出喜歡去做的理由時加上多感官法的解釋(multi-sensory feeling), 可以說去國家森林公園裡騎自行車,可以欣賞風景,鍛煉身體,遠離城市的喧囂,和朋友促進情感,呼吸新鮮空氣等。
Describe a tall building 一個很高的建築
建築類總是那麼唬人,這道題目也不例外;儘量往一個commercial complex上去靠,描述一個集XXX,XXX,XXX於一體的商業綜合體,xxx is an ideal place for shopping, hospitality, recreation and relaxation. 然後利用八詞解釋(可以用到1. efficiency: get everything I need in one trip; 2. Emotion: have a cheerful mind of bumming around; 3. Person to person: catch up with my best friends at the rooftop tea house, while enjoying the panorama of whole city.)
Describe a time you needed to use your imagination 曾用到你想像力的場合
既然是用到imagination,那肯定是去從事了創造性的工作;這個可以和兒時興趣愛好結合起來,無非是玩玩具,畫畫,做手工等最好入手;我們以painting為例,在畫畫的時候能夠1. Felt fulfilled about my idea being turned into reality; 2. My ability was boosted, like hands-on skill and sense of beauty; 3.After this experience, I started to appreciate the surrounding, which laid a foundation for future即可
Describe a science subject that you are interested in 一個你感興趣的理科課程
不喜歡的理科課程總是那麼地讓人心裡沒底,並且出現了有些考官認可math可以講,而有些認為不行的情況,在這種情況下我們完全可以打一個迂回戰術,按照science subject的定義來,你會發現很多類似於statistics, engineering, finance, economics有數理內容的完全可以講,那不就變成了我們part1裡面的why did you choose your major這道題目了嗎?那麼完全落入八詞的伏擊圈,隨手就是why do I like it——1. Career: promising future; 2. Quality: personal capabilities can be honed, like …; 3. Emotion: have a sense of fulfillment whenI study …, since I am passionate about it 等,結束戰鬥
Describe a person who made you laugh/ Describe a song you are interested in/ Describe a creative person(Musician, inventor, etc)
這道題目完全可以引用一個非常搞笑的視頻,這個視頻裡的人唱了一首很洗腦的歌,然後又唱又跳的讓你看了之後情不自禁地開心,就行了,比如說Simon給大家的素材PPAP,如果你覺得太多人說,那你就換個角度思維,你說little apple/ PIPIPAPA/ WULIWULI不也行麼?你覺得真的有人會很認真的去聽內容麼?考官的工作很簡單,真的,就是按照評分標準的每一條逐個打分,這是一個語言能力考試,不是你的知識儲備考試,僅此而已。然後用我的八詞輕鬆搞定(emotion, quality, person to person 即可,這裡的人跟人的意思是網上掀起了“開腦洞填歌詞和小咖秀大賽”,激發了人們的想像力,欸,這裡好像可以串一下a time you used your imagination)
Describe a wedding you attended 參加過的婚禮
在8月底9月初的換題節點,我精確地預測出了這道題目,當時指名道姓一定要重點準備並且在公益課上講了大半天,果然如期而至,而這道題目也會持續到新的題庫中;此題的重點是你準備下wedding vow——from this day forward, to have and to hold, for good, for bad, for richer, for poorer, in health and in sickness, to love and to cherish, till death do us apart就夠了,然後說自己多麼感動,自己送上了祝福,好開心即可。
至於說要單獨拿出來事件類是因為這些題目實在太多遍了,遇上生活經歷豐富的出題考官,能把題目給你編出花兒來,實在讓人無法下嘴,並且事件類是他們能夠考察語言組織能力的主戰場,畢竟我們中國的考生90%都不是很擅長story-telling (跟Simon學過講故事三段論的同學除外),因此很多年前我研發的心情三段式就solve this issue once for all! 在我的體系中,無論你給我什麼題目,我就是三個話題足矣——1. 正能量,解決類似於 a difficult decision/a time you helped others/a happy event/a old family thing/a photo of yours 等等的;2. 負能量,解決類似於 a time you missed your appointment/ a time someone apologized to you/a time you learnt from your mistake/a time you were angry等;3. 中性,解決類似於 a time you organized something/a time you shared something with others/a project you did with others等;記好了,一樣的配方,一樣的療效,一樣的#心情三段式#