


1 Work/Study 工作/學習

  • · Do you work or are you student?
  • · What’s you major?
  • · What‘s your favourite subject?
  • · Who do you think are more important to your study, classmates or teachers?
  • · Why did you choose this kind of work?
  • · Will you continue doing this type of work in the future?

攻略:別以為這是讓你填表,問一句答一句。考官提問的目的是invite you to talk, 所以別以為Do you work or are you a student 就是讓你二選一,選出來就完事了。
在回答完I am a student 之後再進一步補充一下。œ I am currently doing my Bachelor’s degree in xxx university. OR I am a third year undergrad from xxx university.
同理,what's your major? 也別只說My major is accounting. 四個單詞能看出什麼語言表達能力?所以接著補一兩句:...and basically what we do is we study ...as well as ...雖然基礎題每一題答題時間短,尤其是每一組基礎題的前1-2個話題,但是我們決不能給出僅有一句話的回答。


it's a well-rounded major 很全面的學科;

one of the most heavily recruited areas 招聘量最大的領域之一;

lays a solid foundation for...為將來打好基礎,;

hold a great deal of pressure 學習或工作壓力很大。







2The City You live/Hometown 居住的城市/家鄉

  • · Where is your hometown?
  • · Which town or city do you live in now?
  • · How long have you lived in that place?
  • · Are there many tourist sights around your city?
  • · Do you think your hometown is a suitable place for children to live?

œ比如說考官問的第一個問題是Where is your hometown? 大家看看這樣的回答怎麼樣?My hometown is the city of xx, which is located in the northwest of xx Province. œSurrounded by Han River to the north and the moat on other sides, my hometown has won the reputation of"an iron-built city". In addition, as a world-renowned historicalcity, it is surrounded with many old but well-preserved walls, which were used to protect the city from military attacks and floods. 再配上朗讀般的抑揚頓挫,簡直就是背的嘛。第一題就讓考官感覺你是背好了,後面的問題他不刁難你才怪呢。

對於where is your hometown 這樣的問題,你應該給出更加personal的回答。比如:My hometown is xxx, which is a mid-scaled city in xx province. It's about x hours drive from where we are now (OR from BJ/SH). 簡單直接的告訴了考官我的家鄉叫什麼,在哪個省,規模如何,以及直觀的告訴他我的家鄉距離我們現在所處的位置有多遠(如果太遠,可以以大家熟悉的城市為座標)。要知道基礎題的出題規則,問題是由淺入深出現的,後面考官會繼續跟你聊你的家鄉或所居住城市的優缺點和細節問題的。







3 Accommodation 住處

  • · Can you tell me about the kind of accommodation you live in?
  • · How long have you lived there?
  • · What's your favorite room in your home?
  • · What are the benefits and drawbacks of the kind of housing you live in?
  • · What facilities are there near your home?
  • · In the future, what sort of house would you like to live in?

對比前面兩組,這一組話題出現的頻率會低一些。很多同學估計會喘口氣,畢竟看到這個話題的單詞那麼長,生理上就排斥。 而且,思考自己住處的空間佈局要花一點時間,害怕考官覺得自己是在搜索背誦過的內容,太糾結!

攻略:關於這題,建議烤鴨們一定要提前練習~ 看看考官一般都會針對這個話題如何進行拓展提問。
當然,因為作為PART 1的開頭部分,也不會太刁難大家。不會需要烤鴨用一些非常特殊的專有名詞來作答。所以,烤鴨們在回答這組話題的時候,結合生活的實際情景來回答便可。
比如說:What are the benefits and drawbacks of the kind of housing you live in? 烤鴨們不用從什麼房屋設計啊,物業管理呀這些角度去想。直接從大家比較熟悉的方便程度和空間感來說就好。

Well, the biggest advantage of living in a flat would be its convenience. You know the living facilities around flats are generally much more comprehensive as compared to houses, I mean, there are normally convenient stores, hospitals, schools and public transportation near flats. However, living in a flat could be less comfortable than a house because it's usually much less spacious.


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