雅思聽力場景詞彙一、repair (section 1)


這個場景主要是購物或者租房子後發現有一些這樣那樣的問題,物體的型號、主要的問題、需要什麼時間來修理、有沒有質保、替換還是退款等都會是很重要的考點。雅思聽 力還是非常實用的,能讓我們提前預習到在國外會碰到的場景,幫我們了解外國人處理一 些事情的流程和規則。

What to repair: fridge, refrigerator, washing machine, CD player, electric light,clock, bungalow小屋, cooker, rice cooker, printer (shelf)


Model type/number


Main problem: leaking漏水, door broken, flashing, hands broken指針壞了,noisy, fan broken, steam escaping漏氣


When to repair: immediately, straight away, right now, urgent, next week, weekdays,weekends, in a couple of weeks Mornings, afternoons (am pm)


Quality warranty保修: expiry date過期日, quality guaranteed for two years Compensation賠償: refund退款, replacement 更換


Payment: cash, cheque, credit card, bank transfer 銀行轉賬




雅思聽力場景詞彙二、 diet and health (section 4)


飲食和健康不但是現在人們越來越關心的問題,也會是雅思聽力考試中永恆不變的主 題。在 Section 4 中經常出現關於健康飲食和生活方式的探討。與此同時,聽力中關於一些疾病的原因和治療也都跟此有著密切的聯繫。


我想 Heart disease, chronic illness慢性病, diabetes糖尿病, obesity,high blood pressure 等疾病大家已經並不陌生了。


Food intake/elements: protein, vitamins, fat, carbohydrates碳水化合物, fat acid脂肪酸, calcium鈣, cholesterol膽固醇, minerals礦物質, calorie, kilocalorie


diet: cereals穀物, sugar, salt, lean meat瘦肉, eggs, fish, milk, vegetables, fruit, red meat, white meat


cereals: wheat小麥, corn玉米, barley大麥, oat燕麥, maize玉米, rice


health: low nutrition, malnutrition營養不良, overweight, obese肥胖, underweight, intelligence, eyesight, brain, learning difficulty, digestion
消化, congestion堵塞, heart disease, tuberculosis肺結核




雅思聽力場景詞彙三、 medicine (section 1 )



說 family doctor 這個概念在中國幾乎是不存在的,但是在西方的社區裡非常普遍。如何註冊一個家 庭醫生,他們看病如何收費等都是我們應該去了解的。在國外



doctors: physician內科醫生, surgeon外科醫生, dentist牙醫, veterinarian獸醫, pediatrician兒科醫生, therapist治療專家, general practitioner 普通醫生


treatments: cure, remedy, therapy, acupuncture針灸


diseases: headache, toothache, backache (back pain), stomachache, heart disease, pneumonia肺炎, tuberculosis, diabetes, insomnia失眠, asthma哮喘, sprain扭

傷,sports injury, sprained knee


medicine: antibiotics抗生素, penicillin盤尼西林, aspirin阿司匹林, sleeping pills (tablets), painkillers, dose劑量, underdose, overdose, ice pack冰袋, walking
sticks surgery


operation hospital: clinics診所, ward病房, maternity婦產科, emergency, surgery手術, practice


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